New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2015  31st October 2015 –3rd November 2016

3rd November - 6th November , 2016 3rd November - 6th November , 2016

Window Horses

November 4th 15:30, Theater 3
November 6th 17:00, Theater 3

Through a unique graphic design and the journey of a young poet, this first feature film by Ann Marie Fleming tells the story of a young girl and makes the viewer aware of the important elements of life.


Twenty-year-old poet Rosie Ming lives at home with her over-protective Chinese grandparents, never having travelled anywhere alone. When she’s invited to perform at a poetry festival in Shiraz, Iran, she meets colourful poets and Persians, and finally learns more about the Iranian father who she had assumed abandoned her. Rosie embarks on an unwitting journey of forgiveness, reconciliation, and understanding, as she discovers her father’s past and her own cultural identity. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Ann Marie Fleming, and featuring the voices of Sandra Oh, Don McKellar, Nancy Kuan, and Shohreh Aghdashloo, the film is filled with poems and histories created by a variety of artists and animators, who set out to blend a vast myriad of differences between cultures, philosophies, arts, and time frames. Window Horses takes a sensitive, subtle, and playful look at building bridges between cultural and generational divides. It’s a film about being curious, staying open, and finding your own voice through the magic of poetry. It’s a film about identity and the imagination.




© Luka Sanader

Ann Marie Fleming

Ann Marie Fleming is an award-winning Canadian independent filmmaker, writer, and artist. Born in Japan to Chinese and Australian parents, Fleming creates work that addresses themes of family, identity, history, and memory. She adapted her 2003 animated documentary The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam into an Eisner Award-winning graphic novel in 2007, and has followed with a number of acclaimed short films, including I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors (2010), Big Trees (2013), and the animated web-series My Place (2009) for Discovery USA’s Her latest project is Window Horses, a feature-length animated film about a young Canadian poet discovering her family history.


Direction:Ann Marie Fleming
2016, Canada, 85min, English dialogue, Japanese subtitle

協賛 :
  • 石屋製菓(株)
  • サッポロビール(株)
  • 東日本電信電話(株)
  • (株)北洋銀行
  • (株)北海道銀行
  • 北海道空港(株)
  • 北海道コカ・コーラボトリング(株)
  • (株)マテック
  • よつ葉乳業(株)
  • (株)ロイズコンフェクト
  • JAL
  • ANA
Hosted by:
New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival Executive Committee
総務省 / 外務省 / 経済産業省 / 観光庁 / 東京航空局 / 北海道運輸局 / 日本政府観光局(JNTO) / 北海道 / 千歳市 / 日本アニメーション協会 / 日本アニメーション学会 / 日本動画協会 / 映画産業団体連合会 / 北海道新聞社 / NHK札幌放送局 / 北海道放送 / 札幌テレビ放送 / 北海道テレビ放送 / 北海道文化放送 / テレビ北海道 / エフエム北海道 / エフエム・ノースウェーブ / STVラジオ(順不同)
Chitose Hokkaido, JAPAN

New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival

New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival Office C/o Enleysha Co., Ltd.
Sapporo Tokeidai Bldg., 9F,
1, Nishi-2, Kita-1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0001 JAPAN