New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2015  31st October 2015 –3rd November 2016

3rd November - 6th November , 2016 3rd November - 6th November , 2016


November 4th 10:00, Theater 1

An Extreme Piece of Entertainment, Even More Than Before

The series One Piece is set to celebrate its 19th anniversary this year. The first episode was published in 1997 in the Weekly Jump Magazine. Till date, the series has sold more than 320 million copies worldwide, and this achievement is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The movies based on the series, One Piece Film: Strong World (2009) and One Piece Film: Z (2012), have also been received well. As with the previous films, the author, Eiichiro Oda, worked as the General Producer in the creation of this extreme piece of entertainment. You will witness a legend.


The Straw Hat Pirates arrive at the biggest entertainment city of the world “Gran Tesoro,” which is an “absolute sanctuary” where the World Government has no authority and the people have to follow the rules of the town. The ruler of the town is the golden emperor, Gild Tesoro, who controls the Government through his money and conquers TenRyuJin with his power. Luffy is excited to gamble at the Casino and indulge in its attractions; however, he is swallowed by the overwhelming power of the ruler and the ruthless rules of the town. When people realized that Tesoro paid an exorbitant sum to TenRyuJin and that the extent of his power was dangerous, both the World Government and the Revolutionary Army sense the crisis. At this time, the Straw Hat Pirates fight the ruler because their final aim is to conquer the world.



Original Story and General Producer: Eiichiro Oda
Script: Tsutomu Kuroiwa
Director: Hiroaki Miyamoto
Voice Cast: Mayumi Tanaka, Kazuya Nakai, Akemi Okamura, Kappei Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Hirata, Ikue Otani, Yuriko Yamaguchi, Kazuya Yao, Cho

Official Website :

© 尾田栄一郎/2016 「ワンピース」製作委員会

協賛 :
  • 石屋製菓(株)
  • サッポロビール(株)
  • 東日本電信電話(株)
  • (株)北洋銀行
  • (株)北海道銀行
  • 北海道空港(株)
  • 北海道コカ・コーラボトリング(株)
  • (株)マテック
  • よつ葉乳業(株)
  • (株)ロイズコンフェクト
  • JAL
  • ANA
Hosted by:
New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival Executive Committee
総務省 / 外務省 / 経済産業省 / 観光庁 / 東京航空局 / 北海道運輸局 / 日本政府観光局(JNTO) / 北海道 / 千歳市 / 日本アニメーション協会 / 日本アニメーション学会 / 日本動画協会 / 映画産業団体連合会 / 北海道新聞社 / NHK札幌放送局 / 北海道放送 / 札幌テレビ放送 / 北海道テレビ放送 / 北海道文化放送 / テレビ北海道 / エフエム北海道 / エフエム・ノースウェーブ / STVラジオ(順不同)
Chitose Hokkaido, JAPAN

New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival

New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival Office C/o Enleysha Co., Ltd.
Sapporo Tokeidai Bldg., 9F,
1, Nishi-2, Kita-1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0001 JAPAN